Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I wanted to be the first one... as usual...
even if that disturbs some people...

yes, I wanted to be the first one just to tell that this group of people being invited to participate in this blog is my family here in brussels and I love you all very much... (some more than the others)
we have lived oustanding moments, trips and parties together that I will never forget...

I want us all to remember (in a few years) how good this was... so I declare opened the oficial Maison de Spa Blog...

I hope this is a beginning of a wonderful and colourful compilation of our adventures...

beijos, besos, kisses, bussi, baci, kuss, bisou
you are the best


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a crazy man! but effinciency.
I coudn't belive it!
that's all you have to do at work:=)

so, now we have an other instrument to distract us!
very weel done!
see you soon at my first post!

4:25 pm  

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