Monday, October 02, 2006

are you sleeping?

hello people,

I am very disapointed...
firstly, because your initial enthusiasm was diluted and for the last week or so, we had almost no posts...
secondly, because this enthusiasm seems to have been diluted by the lowsy rain in this city... aside of the 20 minutes of thunder storm yesterday evening (really exciting), the weather in this city is really depressing...
hope you are all having fun in your warm offices and thinking of ideas to forget a bit this situation - both the weather and the posting thing...

another thing, be careful with the wind... my throat is in complete pain due to the rain caught last saturday and the wind these last few days... I guess the change was too fast and now the "bad weather" is coming to stay...

cheers and keep posting
(sorry for the insipient post but I just had to put something here)


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