Monday, October 30, 2006

In the middle of nowhere: Wageningen

Netherlands is definitely a beautiful and very civilized country… a nice place to live if it wasn’t for the rain and if you have a group of people with different habits from the locals… Some facts:
- You can arrive in a hotel with no ID, stay for a few nights and leave without paying and nobody cares or asks you for any document… nothing (btw: we did pay)
- It rains a lot
- apple pie is very good
- bikes have always the priority (even if foreigners try to hit them)
- shops close at five (except coffee shops, of course)
- families have football teams among their kids
- no wonder that the "Big Brother" concept came from the Netherlands - their houses are open to the world with very big open windows...
-we saw no policeman in the first day, but we got a parking fine
- you really need to lobby for a tea… by having first an orange juice and changing the waiter
- the waiters are really…”nice”
- apple pie is very good
- there are roads that end up in a river (and then you have to take a ferry for… 100 meters)
- the police finally shows up to make a alcohol test to someone who was drinking hot chocolate… and I could be a Belgium serial killer but they don’t care… No ID, no driving license, no insurance… nothing
- you don’t need to learn Dutch (they all speak English)
- apple pie is also good

Besides Wageningen, Utrecht and Nijmegen are very coasy cities... worth visiting just for relaxing and having nice quiet walks... (some pictures to come soon)
Definitely a country to visit, especially if you have nice friends there (obrigado por tudo Ana) and you travel with nice people. Thank you Ylenia and Raffaella for the warm company and the nice conversations… love you both...

signed: "National Geographic"

Friday, October 27, 2006

Wageningen ?!!? where is that?

hey people, of course you would ask that question...
a delegation of Maison de Spa is going to make an exploratory visit to Wageningen this weekend... for those who don't know where it is, its a small city in the middle of nowhere (Netherlands)

me and ylenia love to take pictures, so we will provide something here next week so you can have an idea. for the timebeing, here is the map... if we disappear, you know you have to find us close to this red line...


Thursday, October 26, 2006

what wrong with the world??!!

some days we go out of bed and we really shouldn't...
we were so warm... quiet... relaxed... and we had no worries... just the feeling of turning to the other side...
why do we get out of bed and come to the outer world... to work and get stressed, pissed of with what you did, what you didn't do, what you were supposed to do (even if nobody knows what that is), what you were not supposed to do?... there is always something... why??

do we really make it this way, or the real world is just like that?
I guess it touches us all and I believ there isn't much we can do...
we try to forget it and live with it but the time comes when where we can't stand it anymore...

I need holidays... to go somewhere and forget... I need holidays from life...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Voiture de Spa

Here is the much awaited "Voiture de Spa"...

Yes, yes... I know it is not really what you were expecting, but this is actually a collection piece... you should be proud of having a friend (daddy) who owns it...

It is not very energy efficient... something like 30 l/100 km, but we need to live in style... and after all, I need a job... so, I rather see a lot of "gashopper" vehicles...

people, I hope you enjoy my vehicle and the trips we will make with it...
the first official one is to Jose... if the car can make it...

Just in case this one doesn't make it, I have this other in view...

What do you think?? give me some comments...


Monday, October 09, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

hey people,

Yesterday, the well known cinema critics from Maison de Spa had the chance of assisting to a tipically American event... in Brussels!!!
Thank you to Ylenia who proposed it to us...

The poster aside presents the event...
this is the link to the trailer:

Al Gore was there and he is definitely a politician with a good intelectual level, even if he has the so-called "chewing gum english"...

The space is open for the reviews... lets hear what everybody has to say about this "inconvenient truth"...
further on, I discovered a video "5 inconvenient truths about Al Gore"... may be interesting...


Thursday, October 05, 2006

what about portuguese ?!!

This is outrageous...

I also paid the rent on time!!! why don't I have the right to a line in Portuguese??!!!?

Ja fico deslumbrado com a capacidade do Mehdi de se exprimir em tantas linguas, mas isto 'e imperdoavel... discriminacao ao mais alto nivel...
de qualquer forma, doravante acho que ele vai fazer um esforco e procurar preencher essa lacuna.
Portugal 'e um pais lindo, se bem que a lingua Portuguesa 'e um tanto complicada (mesmo para nos).

beijinhos e abracos para toda a familia
Paizinho (aka Daddy...)

Monday, October 02, 2006

are you sleeping?

hello people,

I am very disapointed...
firstly, because your initial enthusiasm was diluted and for the last week or so, we had almost no posts...
secondly, because this enthusiasm seems to have been diluted by the lowsy rain in this city... aside of the 20 minutes of thunder storm yesterday evening (really exciting), the weather in this city is really depressing...
hope you are all having fun in your warm offices and thinking of ideas to forget a bit this situation - both the weather and the posting thing...

another thing, be careful with the wind... my throat is in complete pain due to the rain caught last saturday and the wind these last few days... I guess the change was too fast and now the "bad weather" is coming to stay...

cheers and keep posting
(sorry for the insipient post but I just had to put something here)