Thursday, October 26, 2006

what wrong with the world??!!

some days we go out of bed and we really shouldn't...
we were so warm... quiet... relaxed... and we had no worries... just the feeling of turning to the other side...
why do we get out of bed and come to the outer world... to work and get stressed, pissed of with what you did, what you didn't do, what you were supposed to do (even if nobody knows what that is), what you were not supposed to do?... there is always something... why??

do we really make it this way, or the real world is just like that?
I guess it touches us all and I believ there isn't much we can do...
we try to forget it and live with it but the time comes when where we can't stand it anymore...

I need holidays... to go somewhere and forget... I need holidays from life...


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